jheisel: "May 9 - Victory Day" banner on Tverskaya Ulitsa
jheisel: Revelers/Protestors gather at Pushkin Square
jheisel: Tverskaya Ulitsa
jheisel: "Happy Victory Day!"
jheisel: May 9 banner covering the Central Telegraph
jheisel: Protesters converging on Tverskaya Zastava square for a march
jheisel: Communists
jheisel: Moscow Region Communist Committee
jheisel: Russian Communist Workers' Party - The Revolutionary Party of Communism
jheisel: The sign reads "Zionism == fascism" and something about Yeltsin
jheisel: Comrade Stalin
jheisel: OMON "controlling" protesters from the Vanguard of Red Youth
jheisel: "Capitalism is shit..."
jheisel: Vanguard of Red Youth organizing
jheisel: OMON "controlling" protesters from the Vanguard of Red Youth
jheisel: OMON "controlling" protesters from the Vanguard of Red Youth
jheisel: OMON "controlling" protesters from the Vanguard of Red Youth
jheisel: Vanguard of Red Youth
jheisel: OMON escorting Vanguard of Red Youth protesters
jheisel: Vanguard of Red Youth
jheisel: "Glory to great Stalin!"
jheisel: Vanguard of Red Youth milling about
jheisel: "The enemies of Russia: Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Putin and their servants (Jews). Motherland or death. Get in the oven!!! (???)"
jheisel: "Beat Putin!"
jheisel: Old women criticize the OMON troops, calling them fascists and SS-like
jheisel: "Beat Putin!"
jheisel: OMON flanking National Bolshevik protesters
jheisel: National Bolsheviks
jheisel: National Bolsheviks, calling for revolution
jheisel: OMON lineup