jhapeman: Chalk Dudleya
jhapeman: Prickly Pear Cactus and Bush Sunflower
jhapeman: Prickly Pear Cactus and Bush Sunflower
jhapeman: Moonridge Trail, Wildwood Park
jhapeman: Prickly Pear and Cholla Cactus and Bush Sunflower
jhapeman: Wide-throated Yellow Monkeyflower
jhapeman: Parry's Phacelia
jhapeman: L1000650.jpg
jhapeman: Santa Catalina Mariposa Lily in situ
jhapeman: Goofing around on the sandstone
jhapeman: Conejo Buckwheat
jhapeman: Overhead view, Paradise Falls
jhapeman: Paradise Falls
jhapeman: Paradise Falls
jhapeman: Conejo Hills, Wildwood Park
jhapeman: Conejo Hills, Wildwood Park
jhapeman: Prickly Pear Cactus and Bush Sunflower
jhapeman: Santa Catalina Mariposa Lily in situ
jhapeman: L1000612.jpg