chinese johnny: Guiyang No 4 People's Hospital
chinese johnny: The injury
chinese johnny: Pouring rain
chinese johnny: Finally a ride
chinese johnny: In the taxi
chinese johnny: The damage done
chinese johnny: The doctors consult
chinese johnny: Going for testing
chinese johnny: Through the rain
chinese johnny: Squeeze box
chinese johnny: The view from Guiyang No 4 People's Hospital
chinese johnny: Looking for an ATM
chinese johnny: Kindly gents
chinese johnny: Guiyang No 4 People's Hospital
chinese johnny: Running start
chinese johnny: Work to do
chinese johnny: Colorful post
chinese johnny: Here you go
chinese johnny: Nurse Liu
chinese johnny: New friends
chinese johnny: Nitty Gritty
chinese johnny: Someone's Idea of Applying Heat
chinese johnny: View from the Men's Room
chinese johnny: Ice Packs on the Leg
chinese johnny: Two empty beds