chinese johnny: Rockville, MD, 1982
chinese johnny: Rock Creek Park, 1982
chinese johnny: Kudzu Konsciousness
chinese johnny: Mobile River Bridge, Alabama, 1982
chinese johnny: Roy's Fish Camp, Pascagoula, Mississippi, 1982
chinese johnny: Comings and Goings, New Orleans, 1982
chinese johnny: Ferry, New Orleans
chinese johnny: Gibson, Louisiana, 1982
chinese johnny: Morgan City, Louisiana, 1982
chinese johnny: Lafayette, Louisiana, 1982
chinese johnny: Austin Mural
chinese johnny: Debbie at the Rockin "C" Truck Stop, I-10, Texas, 1982
chinese johnny: Austin Block Party, Texas, 1982
chinese johnny: Cattle Guard, West Texas, 1982
chinese johnny: Two Ways, West Texas, 1982
chinese johnny: Wrong Way, West Texas (Towards Mexico), 1982
chinese johnny: Men ->, New Mexico, 1982
chinese johnny: Storm, I-25 North, Northern New Mexico, 1982
chinese johnny: Love Boat
chinese johnny: Daniel & Maria
chinese johnny: Canyon Road, Santa Fe
chinese johnny: Reptiles, North Texas Panhandle, 1983
chinese johnny: Junk, North Texas Plains, 1983
chinese johnny: Roy Barker Digging Co., McLean, Texas Panhandle, 1983
chinese johnny: Smoke Signal, Chaco Canyon
chinese johnny: Ode to Wyeth (White Sands)
chinese johnny: Cermonial Kiva, Bandelier
chinese johnny: Plaza, Santa Fe
chinese johnny: Death of a Magpie
chinese johnny: Canyonlands Fist