Josh Halley: Philly Crew
Josh Halley: Once the home of Montana, Rice, Lott. Not any more.
Josh Halley: Eat my Shorts.
Josh Halley: Birdboy
Josh Halley: Colin...burping?
Josh Halley: Lady pretending she has something to say.
Josh Halley: Franco balances carefully on his seat, trying not to fall off.
Josh Halley: Leah looks tough.
Josh Halley: Beer, what else can you say?
Josh Halley: The park
Josh Halley: Yeah Westbrook.
Josh Halley: Play Action.
Josh Halley: Touchdown.
Josh Halley: Colin: I'm so wasted Shawna: Yep. You are.
Josh Halley: I know you.
Josh Halley: Goalline Stand
Josh Halley: I think the car is that way...
Josh Halley: Franco loves him some Burg
Josh Halley: Franco, still celebrating his Burg.
Josh Halley: Yeah, Burg.
Josh Halley: Burger...Yes!
Josh Halley: Colin tries to get in on the Burg
Josh Halley: Franco, in the back...celebrating the Burg
Josh Halley: Washing down the Burg
Josh Halley: Don't try this at home.
Josh Halley: IMG_2147
Josh Halley: "Please don't tow his car..."