James Mundie: Pee Wee King's accordion
James Mundie: Lookie, ma, I'm a Duke boy!
James Mundie: Cardboard Daisy Duke and actual Dixie
James Mundie: Charlie Daniels' solid gold fiddle (and belt buckle, I presume)
James Mundie: The wax Charlie Daniels surveys his retail empire
James Mundie: Wax Don Williams will punch you in the face if he has to
James Mundie: Doctor Who villians of the Grand Ole Opry
James Mundie: Larry Gatlin enjoys wicker
James Mundie: Wax Waylon, Willie, and cardboard Gene Autry
James Mundie: Know when to walk away, know when to run
James Mundie: Johnny Cash with his favorite TV and DVD player
James Mundie: Charlie Pride's prom photo
James Mundie: Zombies of the Grand Ole Opry
James Mundie: Hee Haw in hell
James Mundie: Unholy duet in wax
James Mundie: George Jones wants your soul
James Mundie: Tammy Wynette (standing by her man)
James Mundie: Eddy Arnold's neutron dance
James Mundie: Rhinestone cowboy duds
James Mundie: Bedazzled wagon
James Mundie: Legend of the Headless Dolly Parton
James Mundie: Elvis's "solid gold" limousine
James Mundie: Ernest Tubb Record Shop
James Mundie: Elvis's "solid gold" limousine
James Mundie: Horses and feathers
James Mundie: Plowhaus
James Mundie: "Freeks and Geaks" at Plowhaus
James Mundie: Plowhaus
James Mundie: 17th and Fatherland