joshuagmizrahi: shuffling for the door
joshuagmizrahi: my roof and the city
joshuagmizrahi: already used 8 of my lives
joshuagmizrahi: ambulance under the BQE
joshuagmizrahi: looking out at the city
joshuagmizrahi: in motion
joshuagmizrahi: yesterday's trash
joshuagmizrahi: Get shit faced drunk
joshuagmizrahi: the sky with clouds
joshuagmizrahi: reflection and the city
joshuagmizrahi: disco ball
joshuagmizrahi: Down the stairs
joshuagmizrahi: Dan from Banana War
joshuagmizrahi: Duncan in Red
joshuagmizrahi: yr archivist
joshuagmizrahi: Duncan and the City
joshuagmizrahi: chimney and sky and backlit people
joshuagmizrahi: drinking and the city
joshuagmizrahi: the party and the city
joshuagmizrahi: Party and the street
joshuagmizrahi: backllit man and sky
joshuagmizrahi: call from the old lady
joshuagmizrahi: crazy dude
joshuagmizrahi: Greenpoint Roof party
joshuagmizrahi: indoor swing
joshuagmizrahi: Duncan looking suave
joshuagmizrahi: ball of confusion