joshuagmizrahi: houston and ready to rock
joshuagmizrahi: romance, ambulance, nightrats, party in that order
joshuagmizrahi: soundcheck with yr archivist
joshuagmizrahi: Randy and Sean!
joshuagmizrahi: the 3 of us
joshuagmizrahi: ready...set...ROCK!!
joshuagmizrahi: Days of Promise
joshuagmizrahi: Become Helpless
joshuagmizrahi: Randy and Chris
joshuagmizrahi: The Nightrats with effects
joshuagmizrahi: Nightrats with no effects
joshuagmizrahi: Kevin, ChrisC and Randy!
joshuagmizrahi: Rocking Out!
joshuagmizrahi: and again
joshuagmizrahi: Day is Done
joshuagmizrahi: afterwards with Bretney
joshuagmizrahi: Good times were had by all
joshuagmizrahi: Randy and Nicole!
joshuagmizrahi: the old wine store crew
joshuagmizrahi: PV has no self control
joshuagmizrahi: archivist with effects
joshuagmizrahi: Looker Rockin'!!
joshuagmizrahi: More Rockin'
joshuagmizrahi: shoot yrself with rock n roll
joshuagmizrahi: after looker
joshuagmizrahi: the romance/ambulance crew goes off into the night
joshuagmizrahi: living room
joshuagmizrahi: Randy has his moment of zen
joshuagmizrahi: Homeward bound