Joe McIntyre:
Novice Hame
Joe McIntyre:
Aliens of London: Slitheen
Joe McIntyre:
Rose: The Auton Bride
Joe McIntyre:
The Seventh Doctor
Joe McIntyre:
The Sixth Doctor
Joe McIntyre:
The Fifth Doctor
Joe McIntyre:
The Five Doctors: The Third Doctor and Sarah Jane
Joe McIntyre:
The Deadly Assassin: President of the Timelords
Joe McIntyre:
Arc of Infinity: Councillor Hedin
Joe McIntyre:
Commander Maxil and Adric
Joe McIntyre:
Silver Nemesis: Cybermen and Cyberscope
Joe McIntyre:
Silver Nemesis: Cyberman
Joe McIntyre:
Happiness Patrol: Kandyman
Joe McIntyre:
Remembrance of the Daleks: Special Weapons Dalek
Joe McIntyre:
Remembrance of the Daleks: Renegade Dalek
Joe McIntyre:
Delta and the Bannermen: Navarino
Joe McIntyre:
Time and the Rani: Tetrap
Joe McIntyre:
Trial of a Time Lord: Vervoid
Joe McIntyre:
Trial of a Time Lord: Vervoid
Joe McIntyre:
The Trial of a Time Lord: Sil and Kiv
Joe McIntyre:
The Awakening: The Malus
Joe McIntyre:
Terminus: The Garm
Joe McIntyre:
The Keeper of Traken: Melkur
Joe McIntyre:
Full Circle: Marshman
Joe McIntyre:
Nightmare of Eden: Mandrell
Joe McIntyre:
The Pirate Planet: The Captain
Joe McIntyre:
Pyramids of Mars: Sutekh's Time Tunnel Sarcophagus
Joe McIntyre:
Invasion of the Dinosaurs: Diplodocus
Joe McIntyre:
The Claws of Axos: Axon Creature
Joe McIntyre:
Cyber Displays