joeginder: crown daisy
joeginder: battle of the plants
joeginder: The clumps of cliff aster persist!
joeginder: 23,817
joeginder: 23,817
joeginder: blackberries growing in the ivy by the sidewalk
joeginder: a Sparrow-Weaver ?
joeginder: milkweed
joeginder: Bower Flowers on Lorraine Trail
joeginder: he thinks he is hiding
joeginder: 23,821
joeginder: 23,821
joeginder: mockingbird, spread those wings!
joeginder: tunnel vision on the trail
joeginder: 23,821
joeginder: a large cliff aster caught my eye
joeginder: blackberry invasion!
joeginder: Solandra grandiflora
joeginder: a monarch!
joeginder: Abalone Cove
joeginder: Waterfall at Abalone Cove
joeginder: Tide Pools at Abalone Cove
joeginder: Five Kayaks
joeginder: Harbor Seals
joeginder: Sacred Cove and Inspiration Point from Portuguese Point
joeginder: California Sunflower
joeginder: Sage!
joeginder: Portuguese Point Trail
joeginder: Inspiration Point
joeginder: Cliff Aster