jghphoto21: Short-eared Owl in flight
jghphoto21: RTHA with AMCO kill
jghphoto21: Northern Saw-whet Owl
jghphoto21: BAEA - 01
jghphoto21: Snail Kite 122607 - 001
jghphoto21: Red-shouldered Hawk (Florida morph)
jghphoto21: Crested Caracara
jghphoto21: Bald Eagle with flag
jghphoto21: RBHA 010508 - 001
jghphoto21: Striated Caracara
jghphoto21: Striated Caracara
jghphoto21: Striated Caracara
jghphoto21: Striated Caracaras on fence line
jghphoto21: Striated Caracara
jghphoto21: Striated Caracara
jghphoto21: Owl banding gone arwy
jghphoto21: Burrowing Owl
jghphoto21: Bald Eagle portrait
jghphoto21: Eastern Screech Owl
jghphoto21: OSPR 102608 - 034
jghphoto21: NSWO 111808 - 001
jghphoto21: NSWO 111808 - 009
jghphoto21: Hazards of sleeping at the banding station
jghphoto21: RTHA 011809 - 002
jghphoto21: BAEA 012807 - 052