J Gilbert: King Penguin
J Gilbert: King Penguins
J Gilbert: Southern Elephant Seal Bull
J Gilbert: Black-browed Albatross
J Gilbert: Magellanic Penguin
J Gilbert: Magellanic Penguin
J Gilbert: Great Shearwater
J Gilbert: Cape Petrel
J Gilbert: Southern Right Whale Mother and Calf
J Gilbert: Southern Right Whale
J Gilbert: Southern Right Whale
J Gilbert: Rufous-chested Dotterel
J Gilbert: Striated Caracara
J Gilbert: (Flightless) Falkland Steamer Duck
J Gilbert: Devil's Nose Rookery
J Gilbert: Nesting Black-browed Albatross
J Gilbert: Nest building Rockhopper Penguins
J Gilbert: White-chinned Petrel
J Gilbert: Peale's Dolphin
J Gilbert: Southern Giant Petrel
J Gilbert: Striated Caracara
J Gilbert: Upland Goose on Nest
J Gilbert: Approaching King Haakon Bay
J Gilbert: Cave Cove
J Gilbert: Southern Elephant Seal and Pup
J Gilbert: Nesting Subantarctic Skua Pair
J Gilbert: Antarctic Fur Seal
J Gilbert: Gold Harbor
J Gilbert: Southern Elephant Seal Pup