*Jeff*: St. Mary Magdalene / Pentecost
*Jeff*: Chains of Sin and Death
*Jeff*: Marriage
*Jeff*: The Tower of Babel and St. Michael
*Jeff*: The Deluge / Creation
*Jeff*: Virtues/ Adoration of the Magi
*Jeff*: Temptation
*Jeff*: Temptation / The Last Supper
*Jeff*: Expulsion
*Jeff*: St. Anne and Mary
*Jeff*: Burning Bush
*Jeff*: Holy Orders
*Jeff*: Melchizedek
*Jeff*: The Burning Bush / Tablet of the Law / Melchizedek
*Jeff*: Communion
*Jeff*: Prayer / The Resurrection
*Jeff*: The Fiery Furnace / Job
*Jeff*: Trinity Window
*Jeff*: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
*Jeff*: Purgatory / The Last Judgment
*Jeff*: Harvest / Grace / Sin