*Jeff*: Mary Anoints Jesus' Feet
*Jeff*: The Last Supper
*Jeff*: The Agony in the Garden
*Jeff*: The Crowning With Thorns
*Jeff*: The Ascension
*Jeff*: Pentecost
*Jeff*: St. Michael
*Jeff*: Death of St. Joseph
*Jeff*: The Assumption
*Jeff*: The Coronation of Mary
*Jeff*: The Visitation
*Jeff*: The Resurrection
*Jeff*: The Baptism of Jesus
*Jeff*: The Finding in the Temple
*Jeff*: The Carrying of the Cross
*Jeff*: The Crucifixion
*Jeff*: St. Peter Gives The Holy Spirit to a Man Wanting Alms
*Jeff*: The Presentation
*Jeff*: The Annunciation
*Jeff*: The Nativity
*Jeff*: St. Cecilia
*Jeff*: St. John the Baptist
*Jeff*: The Scourging at the Pillar
*Jeff*: St. Patrick
*Jeff*: The Marriage of Mary and Joseph
*Jeff*: Jesus Gives St. Peter the Keys to the Kingdom
*Jeff*: St. Francis Receives the Stigmata
*Jeff*: Six Winged Seraph
*Jeff*: St. Theodore - detail
*Jeff*: Lord of Creation