*Jeff*: The Story of the Crosiers, Part 1: St. Odilia and Her Companions are Martyred
*Jeff*: St. Odilia and Companions closeup
*Jeff*: St. Helena closeup
*Jeff*: The Story of the Crosiers, Part 2: St. Helena and the Crusades
*Jeff*: Theodore of the Cross and Dominic closeup
*Jeff*: The Story of the Crosiers, Part 3: Blessed Theodore of the Cross and St. Dominic
*Jeff*: Peter de Walcourt detail
*Jeff*: Pope Innocent IV
*Jeff*: The Story of the Crosiers, Part 4: Pope Innocent IV Gives Approval to the Crosiers
*Jeff*: St. Louis, King of France
*Jeff*: The Story of the Crosiers, Part 5: St. Louis of France helps found the Paris House
*Jeff*: The Devil's Dismayed
*Jeff*: Arnulph Garden
*Jeff*: John and Louis Travel to Arnulph
*Jeff*: The Story of the Crosiers, Part 6: St. Odilia Appears to Brother John
*Jeff*: The Story of the Crosiers, Part 7: St. Odilia's Relics Are Found
*Jeff*: Crosier Writing in the Scriptorium
*Jeff*: The Story of the Crosiers, Part 8: The Ancient Work of the Crosiers
*Jeff*: Onamia, Minnesota
*Jeff*: Amazon
*Jeff*: Congo
*Jeff*: The Story of the Crosiers, Part 10: The Order Rises and Spreads
*Jeff*: The Story of the Crosiers, Part 11: Odilia's Relics Returned
*Jeff*: St. Odilia, Patron Saint of the Eyes
*Jeff*: Persecution
*Jeff*: The Story of the Crosiers, Part 9: Privileged and Persecuted
*Jeff*: Glory In the Cross