*Jeff*: St. Matthew
*Jeff*: St. Joseph
*Jeff*: Guardian Angel
*Jeff*: Distressing Disguise of the Poor
*Jeff*: St. Martin of Tours closeup
*Jeff*: St. Martin of Tours
*Jeff*: St. Gertrude the Great
*Jeff*: St. Gertrude the Great
*Jeff*: St. Catherine of Alexandria
*Jeff*: St. Cecilia
*Jeff*: St. Cecilia
*Jeff*: St. Lucy
*Jeff*: St. Lucy
*Jeff*: St. Thomas Becket
*Jeff*: St. Agnes
*Jeff*: Our Lady of the Rosary
*Jeff*: Sacred Heart of Jesus
*Jeff*: Jesus Round Window
*Jeff*: Mary
*Jeff*: Our Lady of Mount Carmel
*Jeff*: St. John
*Jeff*: St. Paul (?)
*Jeff*: St. Paul closeup (?)
*Jeff*: St. Hedwig
*Jeff*: St. Hedwig
*Jeff*: Christ the King Church in Browerville, MN
*Jeff*: Pope St. Martin I
*Jeff*: Mary
*Jeff*: St. Roch
*Jeff*: St. Roch