*Jeff*: The Five Wise Virgins
*Jeff*: The Bridegroom - closeup
*Jeff*: The Long Delayed Bridegroom
*Jeff*: Foolish Virgin
*Jeff*: Wanting
*Jeff*: The Parable of the Ten Virgins
*Jeff*: The Immaculate Conception
*Jeff*: Listening Intently
*Jeff*: Learned Dominican
*Jeff*: Blessed Duns Scotus
*Jeff*: Immaculate Conception Disputation
*Jeff*: St. Elizabeth of Portugal
*Jeff*: St. Elizabeth of Portugal
*Jeff*: Seraphim
*Jeff*: Water Bowl Angel
*Jeff*: St. Hedwig
*Jeff*: St. Hedwig
*Jeff*: Sts. Anne and Joachim
*Jeff*: Virtues
*Jeff*: The Presentation of Mary
*Jeff*: Zechariah and Elizabeth ?
*Jeff*: Mary at her Presentation
*Jeff*: St. Colette
*Jeff*: St. Colette closeup
*Jeff*: Veronica's Veil
*Jeff*: Veronica's Veil closeup
*Jeff*: Burial Shroud and Jar of Spices and Perfume
*Jeff*: Dice and the Garment of Jesus
*Jeff*: Dominations
*Jeff*: St. Margaret of Cortona