*Jeff*: Eve
*Jeff*: Expulsion from the Garden
*Jeff*: The Angels of the Ascension
*Jeff*: Abraham and Isaac
*Jeff*: God Will Provide
*Jeff*: Jacob Wrestling With the Angel
*Jeff*: The Annunciation to Zechariah
*Jeff*: The Agony in the Garden
*Jeff*: The Resurrection
*Jeff*: The Angel With Elijah
*Jeff*: Abraham and Three Angels
*Jeff*: Jacob's Ladder
*Jeff*: The Passover Angel
*Jeff*: The Assumption and Coronation of Mary
*Jeff*: Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego and the Fiery Furnace
*Jeff*: Daniel in the Lion's Den
*Jeff*: Angels Continue the Battle
*Jeff*: The Fall of the Angels
*Jeff*: The Parting of the Red Sea
*Jeff*: Tobias and Raphael
*Jeff*: The Angel of Bethsaida
*Jeff*: The Temptation of Jesus
*Jeff*: The Angel of the Nativity
*Jeff*: St. Joseph's Dream
*Jeff*: Jonah and the Fish
*Jeff*: The Annunciation