JG5150-Joe Girgenti: Fishing Sequence
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: Mating pair?
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: They don't always get one LOL!
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: Juvenile Bald Eagle
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: What makes a great day of photography?
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: What would a day at Conowingo be without a fishing sequence
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: A couple of close flyby's.
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: Gotta love when they fly right at you with a fish.
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: Radio Controlled Eagle?
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: These Guys Ate Good on Sunday!
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: Bald Eagle giving me one of those "Deer in the Headlight" looks.
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: Prize Catch
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: Bald Eagle Fishing Sequence
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: Majestic Bird
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: Juvenile Bald Eagle on Nest
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: Juvenile Bald Eagle in Flght
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: 4 Eagle Chicks On This Nest
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: Both Eagle Parents Perched Close To The Nest
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: Mom Flying Out To Get Another Fish
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: Bald Eagle Flying Right At Me
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: Lady And The Tramp
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: Eagle Feeding Chicks
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: Mom Coming In With A Fish
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: Mom Feeding Junior
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: Female Bald Eagle Getting Ready To Leave The Nest
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: Mom with Junior Looking Right
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: Nature Calls
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: Bad Feather Day
JG5150-Joe Girgenti: A Couple More Shots of Mom Perched