jfxberns: Automatic Photo Contraption, Photo #4
jfxberns: Automatic Photo Contraption, Photo #3
jfxberns: Automatic Photo Contraption, Photo #2
jfxberns: Automatic Photo Contraption, Photo #1
jfxberns: Coleman Yee's Awesome Presentation on How to Attract People to Your Barcamp Session
jfxberns: Coleman Yee's Awesome Presentation on How to Attract People to Your Barcamp Session
jfxberns: Thomas Wanhoff on Collaborative Mindmapping
jfxberns: Nick Palevsky, Florain von Bock and Sajal Kayan
jfxberns: Pittaya Presents on Scaling WordPress
jfxberns: My Talk at Barcamp Singapore 5