jason_froebe: P1310274
jason_froebe: Must... walk... faster..
jason_froebe: Boom Shakalaka!!
jason_froebe: P1310277
jason_froebe: Partners in crime
jason_froebe: It's my size!
jason_froebe: Daddy no photo!
jason_froebe: Banananananana boy
jason_froebe: Princess Miriam
jason_froebe: Hey Daddy!
jason_froebe: Asher showing the other boy how to swing without breaking his head
jason_froebe: P1310289
jason_froebe: Gotta move Gotta move!
jason_froebe: Monkey #2
jason_froebe: Monkey #1
jason_froebe: Monkey #2 back sliding down ze pole of doom
jason_froebe: You can't catch me
jason_froebe: Silly face
jason_froebe: Having trouble getting down
jason_froebe: Monkey #2 in a cage
jason_froebe: FREEEEEDOM!
jason_froebe: Fighting over who gets to be in front
jason_froebe: I'm in front not you Miriam!
jason_froebe: You said something?