jfravel: Cool Down
jfravel: End of the Meet
jfravel: Nice Bulkhead
jfravel: The British Also Love The Hawks
jfravel: Clinch It
jfravel: Iowa Swimming
jfravel: I Think It Was Close
jfravel: Finish the Stroke
jfravel: Kick Into the Wall
jfravel: Cheer On
jfravel: Diving at 35mm
jfravel: Megan Sievertsen
jfravel: Drew Delashmutt 3m
jfravel: Begin Your Hurdle
jfravel: 3m Focus
jfravel: Clean Entry
jfravel: Drew Delashmutt
jfravel: High Contrast Diving
jfravel: Onto the 1m
jfravel: Watching the 50
jfravel: Records Overlook Giligan
jfravel: Michael Giligan
jfravel: And Pike
jfravel: Through the Backstroke Flags
jfravel: MSU Diver
jfravel: Why Do You Swim
jfravel: Stand Up For Your Team
jfravel: Deep End of the Pool
jfravel: Swimmers Support
jfravel: Lap Counters