jfraile (OFF/ON slowly): Puerta de Brandenburgo
jfraile (OFF/ON slowly): Claustrofobia / Claustrophobia
jfraile (OFF/ON slowly): Cubismo en gris y azul / Cubism in gray and blue
jfraile (OFF/ON slowly): El Muro: Berlin! / The Wall: Berlin!
jfraile (OFF/ON slowly): Entre columnas / Between columns
jfraile (OFF/ON slowly): Faces of Berlin
jfraile (OFF/ON slowly): Paraguas / Umbrella
jfraile (OFF/ON slowly): Entre barras y estrellas / Between stars and stripes
jfraile (OFF/ON slowly): Gemelas / Twins
jfraile (OFF/ON slowly): Descanso / Break
jfraile (OFF/ON slowly): Karl Lagerfeld
jfraile (OFF/ON slowly): Subway / U-Bahn
jfraile (OFF/ON slowly): ¿Llueve? / Is it raining?
jfraile (OFF/ON slowly): Reloj Mundial / World Clock / Weltzeituhr
jfraile (OFF/ON slowly): El Limpiacristales / The Window Washer
jfraile (OFF/ON slowly): Puerta del mercado de Mileto Pergamonmuseum (Berlín)
jfraile (OFF/ON slowly): Puerta de Ishtar en el Museo de Pérgamo ©️Javier Fraile (Berlin, 2015)