jfournierphoto: Ombre - Shadow (Alternate #285)
jfournierphoto: Ouverture - Opening (Alternate #285)
jfournierphoto: Corneille - Crow
jfournierphoto: Pigeons
jfournierphoto: Vitrail
jfournierphoto: Bihoreau gris - Black-crowned Night Heron
jfournierphoto: Ecureuil - Squirrel
jfournierphoto: Ecureuil - Squirrel
jfournierphoto: Lumière - Light (alternate #260)
jfournierphoto: Araignée - Spider (alternate #253)
jfournierphoto: Souris - Mouse (Alternate #250)
jfournierphoto: Punk mouse cup cake (Alternate #230)
jfournierphoto: Chasing bubbles (Alternate for #223)
jfournierphoto: Fleur - Flower (Alternate for #219)
jfournierphoto: Oreillers - Pillows (Alternate #206)
jfournierphoto: Cracheur de feu
jfournierphoto: Raie - Ray
jfournierphoto: Cool fish!
jfournierphoto: Under the sea (sort of..)
jfournierphoto: Émilie and Mikaelle
jfournierphoto: Our friends and Émilie
jfournierphoto: Ours - Bear
jfournierphoto: Ours - Bear
jfournierphoto: Arbre - Tree
jfournierphoto: Arbre - Tree
jfournierphoto: Arbre - Tree
jfournierphoto: Queteux - Beggars
jfournierphoto: Vue - View
jfournierphoto: Vue - View
jfournierphoto: Ours - Bear