JForth: Vyborg rolling by
JForth: The hotel
JForth: Frozen canals
JForth: Lots and lots of snow
JForth: The Winter Palace shining
JForth: Christmas tree
JForth: Warning chair
JForth: Decorated trees
JForth: Snow angel
JForth: Frozen coins
JForth: Frozen finger
JForth: Georgian water of the day
JForth: Georgian dishes of the day
JForth: Georgians
JForth: Nevskij Prospekt
JForth: Snowy market
JForth: Ring dancing
JForth: The ring leader
JForth: Glad Anna
JForth: Snowy Anna
JForth: J&A
JForth: Warm herbal drink
JForth: Going home
JForth: Church of the Savior on Blood
JForth: Warming up
JForth: Pigeon
JForth: Scared birds
JForth: Green chai
JForth: Kazan Cathedral sunrise
JForth: Cold cold cold