JForth: Båsk's flee market outside
JForth: Overexposed inside
JForth: Båsk's flee market
JForth: Sirpa at the flee market
JForth: A red Cobra
JForth: Lamps
JForth: Lots of stuff
JForth: People in the yard
JForth: Michael in the garden
JForth: Pond sprinkler
JForth: Roses
JForth: Anna in the yard
JForth: Plastic fantastic
JForth: Filled tables
JForth: Family shopping
JForth: Setting up the flee market 3
JForth: Setting up the flee market 2
JForth: Setting up the flee market
JForth: Mother collecting money
JForth: Overflowing tables
JForth: Tables and bags
JForth: The 50 cent boxes
JForth: Lots and lots of people
JForth: Pontus, Fia and some chairs
JForth: Gullberg's yard
JForth: Gullberg has even more stuff
JForth: Gullberg has stuff too