JForth: The race is on
JForth: Checking out the horizon
JForth: The foot
JForth: In the right direction
JForth: Working from abroad
JForth: Hanging on as we go
JForth: Reading Audacity Of Hope
JForth: Stepping up
JForth: Jyrgen's turn as boat master
JForth: Binoculars - a most essential piece of equipment
JForth: Lounging in the sun
JForth: Preparing to set the sails
JForth: Jyrgen filming the top of the boat
JForth: Breaking the waves front
JForth: Breaking the waves close
JForth: Breaking the waves
JForth: The mast
JForth: Cami and Anna silhouettes
JForth: Pontus noticing me taking photos
JForth: Pontus and the castle
JForth: The city square
JForth: The marina in the evening
JForth: Checking out the local sights
JForth: Achors got tangled
JForth: Heavy load on a small boat
JForth: Jonas got the Miami Vice look
JForth: Anna going for a swim
JForth: Dog on the deck
JForth: Sanna in the sun
JForth: Anna looking over the side