jfsl3: Waterlilly bloom (1)
jfsl3: Waterlily leaf
jfsl3: Waterlilly bloom (2)
jfsl3: Mayflies (1)
jfsl3: Mayflies (2)
jfsl3: Mayflies (3)
jfsl3: Red wing blackbird (2)
jfsl3: Red wing blackbird (1)
jfsl3: Portrait of a mink (At the dock on Long Island)
jfsl3: A little cedar (In front of the boat cover)
jfsl3: Butterfly (On Price's dock)
jfsl3: Looking across (past the chair at Lorraine's)
jfsl3: To Whoever (USA Today)
jfsl3: The shadow of dock posts (In the channel)
jfsl3: Song sparrow in the garden
jfsl3: Red geraniums in tree
jfsl3: Price's channel
jfsl3: Monarch on clover
jfsl3: Monarch on Lilac
jfsl3: Looking through (reeds, grasses, and a boathouse)
jfsl3: Wild iris with moth
jfsl3: Cedar waxwing
jfsl3: Bird out of the water
jfsl3: Bird in soft light
jfsl3: American Redstart (female)
jfsl3: American Redstart (male)
jfsl3: American Redstart (female)
jfsl3: Atticus ventures outside
jfsl3: Atticus creeps down the steps
jfsl3: A butterfly and a dragonfly walked down the road ...