josh-n: BRTTO: The magic hour in the Panhandle
josh-n: BRTTO: A lame attempt at calling this an image of the golden years only tells me how much I have to grow up.
josh-n: Bike Ride To The Ocean: baseball in the afternoon makes me love America.
josh-n: BRTTO: Finally, the ocean blue to close out this Sunday.
josh-n: BRTTO Wind is kicking up. Tuesday afternoon.
josh-n: Reading day at the beach: Istanbul by John Freely
josh-n: Halloween at the beach
josh-n: weekend
josh-n: foamy wave
josh-n: Beach Comber
josh-n: Bison
josh-n: Magic Hour
josh-n: Low Places
josh-n: Land's End
josh-n: Day is done
josh-n: Pay no attention