jfingas: Canada No. 1
jfingas: Pineapple in repose
jfingas: When life gives you lemons, take lemon close-up shots
jfingas: Towers of beans
jfingas: Anna the anxious
jfingas: Poofy
jfingas: Big ol' mutt
jfingas: Petite Parliament
jfingas: Bevy of Bixis
jfingas: Sun-drenched
jfingas: Escaping the flower pot
jfingas: We stand on guard
jfingas: Tiny flowers writ large
jfingas: Caught in the scorching sun
jfingas: Reflecting on service
jfingas: Frozen in thought
jfingas: Grim-faced authority
jfingas: Dapper
jfingas: Jaune et noir
jfingas: What's over here?