jfingas: Please watch your step while exiting the moving walk
jfingas: I think they like Elvis in Memphis.
jfingas: Plug in
jfingas: The Zen art of airport shopping
jfingas: Absinthe!
jfingas: Flamingo flies by
jfingas: Fresh black Bentley
jfingas: Under neon lights
jfingas: I don't find this very funny!
jfingas: Fort Fingas at CES
jfingas: Everyday I'm jugglin'
jfingas: Underexposed trade show
jfingas: Awesome but not yet classic
jfingas: One Sir Howard Stringer
jfingas: Stringing along the conversation
jfingas: The King rides again
jfingas: Whoops
jfingas: The bull has no master!
jfingas: I was asked to take this picture - really!
jfingas: Behold the vastness of Samsung
jfingas: TVs loom overhead
jfingas: That CES vibe
jfingas: Nikon stood tall
jfingas: The amazing lollipop
jfingas: NVIDIA lets you get creative
jfingas: More NVIDIArt
jfingas: The show where we get snapped in a photo
jfingas: Behind the scenes
jfingas: South hall surfing
jfingas: Iron Man aerodynamik