jfaherty17: With Rio in the distance
jfaherty17: A cloudy day to drive to Rio
jfaherty17: A mirador en route to Rio de Janeiro
jfaherty17: A bathroom with a STUNNING view
jfaherty17: My bedroom for a few nights
jfaherty17: Our pool and house
jfaherty17: Office #1 and Office #2
jfaherty17: Kitchen and Office #3
jfaherty17: Exploring the bamboo forest
jfaherty17: The craziest hill you never want to drive on
jfaherty17: Birds of Paradise...in a paradise-like location
jfaherty17: Our hill
jfaherty17: Acai stop!
jfaherty17: By the fishermen in Barra Guaratiba
jfaherty17: Mande on the Shore
jfaherty17: Walking to the beach
jfaherty17: Descending to the street level
jfaherty17: The view of Barra Guaratiba from our little home
jfaherty17: Our offices in action
jfaherty17: Lunch Break!
jfaherty17: Caipirhinas (home made)
jfaherty17: Watching the Storm Roll in
jfaherty17: View of the Storm
jfaherty17: Mande on our little deck