jfaherty17: Easter Island Arrival!
jfaherty17: We all get lays!
jfaherty17: Milena is happy we landed
jfaherty17: Santiago gets layed with the telescope
jfaherty17: ARRIVAL!
jfaherty17: Ahu Tahai
jfaherty17: David scouted out our transit viewing location
jfaherty17: The "harbor"
jfaherty17: Meeting Edmundo's Son
jfaherty17: The yellowfin tuna
jfaherty17: Man and his boat
jfaherty17: Cars of Easter Island
jfaherty17: At the grocery store
jfaherty17: Galletas and chocolate!
jfaherty17: Moai poise
jfaherty17: Laser pointer fun
jfaherty17: Cheers!
jfaherty17: Family dinner
jfaherty17: In the pickup truck
jfaherty17: Milena
jfaherty17: Milena plus the dude
jfaherty17: Restaurant Hetu'u (yes we ate here)
jfaherty17: Shemsy prepares her nose
jfaherty17: Wild horses everywhere
jfaherty17: Easter Island
jfaherty17: The Pacific
jfaherty17: Down Moai
jfaherty17: Around the Moai
jfaherty17: Another downed Moai
jfaherty17: Big head of a downed Moai