jfaherty17: Probably making a dirty snowball
jfaherty17: Brian and Mike re-group
jfaherty17: California Emily enjoys NYC
jfaherty17: Denton prepares a throw
jfaherty17: This little kid hit me 20 times in the head
jfaherty17: Emily prepares an attack
jfaherty17: Lone Snow ball fighter
jfaherty17: Emily and Beth get attacked
jfaherty17: Emily and Beth try for revenge
jfaherty17: Dustin is doing something weird I am sure
jfaherty17: Denton discusses strategy with Jude
jfaherty17: Or snowblowers made the whole thing fun!
jfaherty17: Snowblowers sort of ruined everything
jfaherty17: A view of all that were left at the end of the fight
jfaherty17: Rolling up the snowman
jfaherty17: Jude rolls the midsection
jfaherty17: Shaping what was to become the middle section
jfaherty17: Rolling it on to the body....
jfaherty17: This isn't going to work
jfaherty17: Brian and Mike look a little perplexed
jfaherty17: Rose Center in the 2010 Blizzard
jfaherty17: More shaping
jfaherty17: Melding the snowman
jfaherty17: Here comes the head
jfaherty17: Creation of the snowman
jfaherty17: Final Product
jfaherty17: Happy group Picture
jfaherty17: Snowman and the snowballs
jfaherty17: Our lonely snow man
jfaherty17: View across 77th street