jfaherty17: Dinner
jfaherty17: How do we age brown dwarfs?
jfaherty17: Adam talks kinematics
jfaherty17: Questions from the audience
jfaherty17: Andrew talks about M dwarfs
jfaherty17: Jackie
jfaherty17: Kelle Again
jfaherty17: Adam and Andrew
jfaherty17: Kevin Covey
jfaherty17: Conference Organizers
jfaherty17: The boys again
jfaherty17: After the banquet we ran off with some wine
jfaherty17: Richard Arrives!
jfaherty17: Mamajek hold court
jfaherty17: More shots of the bar
jfaherty17: Adam holds court
jfaherty17: Jason Wright and Richard
jfaherty17: Trent
jfaherty17: Cheers!
jfaherty17: Kelle and Trent
jfaherty17: Excitement in the basement
jfaherty17: Snuffles
jfaherty17: Back in Adam's Room after the after party
jfaherty17: Kelle
jfaherty17: Richard
jfaherty17: Kelle and I