jfaherty17: Colleen
jfaherty17: View from the top
jfaherty17: Richard and Kelly
jfaherty17: Dogs in a tangle
jfaherty17: Another view from the top of the hill
jfaherty17: Paul and Colleen
jfaherty17: Paul, Colleen, and Charley
jfaherty17: Dicussing the colors
jfaherty17: Colleen
jfaherty17: Richard
jfaherty17: Kelly!
jfaherty17: Miracle
jfaherty17: Colleen
jfaherty17: Colleen and Charley
jfaherty17: Colleen and Charley Again
jfaherty17: Kelly!
jfaherty17: More Beautiful Colors
jfaherty17: Jackie Reviews the pictures
jfaherty17: Miracle looks at us from the restaurant
jfaherty17: Pumpkin Festival in Central Park
jfaherty17: Brian and Mel
jfaherty17: Gorgeous Orange Tree in Central Park
jfaherty17: Pumpkins
jfaherty17: Mel and Brian
jfaherty17: Closer to the tree
jfaherty17: Pumpkins on Scaffolding
jfaherty17: The exhibit on the Coco Chanel Purse
jfaherty17: Coco Chanel Exhibit
jfaherty17: Brian and Mel