John Ashburne:
RZP Hashimoto Slicing Hamo 0329
John Ashburne:
KKN Murata-san in the Kitchen 0389 b&w
John Ashburne:
KKN Chef Murata in the Garden 0288
John Ashburne:
KKN Chef Murata in the Garden 0280
John Ashburne:
KKN Chef Murata in the Kitchen 0338
John Ashburne:
HKC Chef Tokuoka Kunio President of Hana Kitcho 0024
John Ashburne:
HKC Chef Tokuoka Kunio President of Hana Kitcho 0036
John Ashburne:
HKC Chef Tokuoka Tasting Dashi Stock 0081
John Ashburne:
HKC Chef Tokuoka Tasting Dashi Stock 0085
John Ashburne:
HKC Chef Tokuoka Oversees His Kitchen 0140