John Ashburne: Nick@Socrates
John Ashburne: Yuuna@Metro
John Ashburne: Kris Roche@Jittoku
John Ashburne: Maria Jikuuuuuuuuu@Socrates
John Ashburne: Evanescence Triptych i 消失
John Ashburne: Evanescence Triptych ii 消失
John Ashburne: Evanescence Triptych iii 消失
John Ashburne: Evanescence Triptych iv 消失
John Ashburne: Foamy Girl 2
John Ashburne: Foamy Girl 1
John Ashburne: Y Portrait
John Ashburne: The Colour of Desire Part 1
John Ashburne: The Colour of Desire Part 2
John Ashburne: Worldmaid (Life imitates Art)
John Ashburne: Maidworld (Art imitates Life)