JF Sebastian: "Los Maños" and friends
JF Sebastian: Traveling Zaragoza-Madrid
JF Sebastian: First Encounters
JF Sebastian: Palacio Real (I)
JF Sebastian: Palacio Real (II)
JF Sebastian: Madrid
JF Sebastian: Plaza Mayor
JF Sebastian: First Official Reception
JF Sebastian: 12 Group @ The University
JF Sebastian: Ready to meet the King
JF Sebastian: Royal Reception
JF Sebastian: La Alhambra
JF Sebastian: Around Granada
JF Sebastian: Guiding up into the mountain
JF Sebastian: Alpujarras Water
JF Sebastian: Young Mountaineer
JF Sebastian: Up We Go
JF Sebastian: Reaching the Snow
JF Sebastian: Big group near to the top
JF Sebastian: Pico Del Veleta
JF Sebastian: Sierra Nevada
JF Sebastian: Army Rations
JF Sebastian: The Weather Worsen
JF Sebastian: As far as we can get
JF Sebastian: Red little squirrel
JF Sebastian: Anteater
JF Sebastian: Tapir
JF Sebastian: Cayman
JF Sebastian: Black Panthera
JF Sebastian: Jaguar