JF Sebastian: Powerlessness - Day 321
JF Sebastian: Mi work bench - Day 306
JF Sebastian: Waking time - Day 305
JF Sebastian: Another sunday - Day 299
JF Sebastian: Off - Day 297
JF Sebastian: Mind the step!! - Day 286
JF Sebastian: ... even in the bus ... - Day 285
JF Sebastian: Veeeertical - Day 283
JF Sebastian: The end of the year - Day 265
JF Sebastian: Programming without code - Day 254
JF Sebastian: JAVA - Day 253
JF Sebastian: The same place & the same posse all day - Day 239
JF Sebastian: My routine, My work - Day 232
JF Sebastian: A coffee at work - Day 207
JF Sebastian: Leaving - Day 205
JF Sebastian: Behind the folders - Day 202
JF Sebastian: Back to the University - Day 198
JF Sebastian: Brushing against the light - Day 197
JF Sebastian: Waiting for anything to happend - Day 191
JF Sebastian: Behind the sheet - Day 188
JF Sebastian: Phone call - Day 174
JF Sebastian: Behind the glasses - Day 173
JF Sebastian: Welcome Back Home - Day 170
JF Sebastian: Packing again - Day 163
JF Sebastian: Who doesn't hate ironing? - Day 162
JF Sebastian: Pulling the pigtail - Day 157
JF Sebastian: Improvised Still-Life - Day 155
JF Sebastian: Antidepressants - Day 154
JF Sebastian: Sandals inside - Day 149
JF Sebastian: The code possesses me - Day 146