TheAnhalt: Latest addition to #Maplehood: Zero. @mactiffany & @jimboblove's baby girl. #puppies
TheAnhalt: White Christmas finally lands in Winnetka!
TheAnhalt: Photoshake
TheAnhalt: upload
TheAnhalt: I like #maps.
TheAnhalt: When I came across this yesterday it still smelled like campfire. #logansquare
TheAnhalt: Critical Mass Birthday Party! #ccm15 #ccmxv
TheAnhalt: Not wasting any time.
TheAnhalt: Kenosha lighthouse on Simmons Island, built in 1866 #sundaydrive
TheAnhalt: Found while unpacking: proof I at one time in my life was involved in bizarre creative endeavours. Polariods are of a Jess-size doll I made. #college
TheAnhalt: Express yourself, hey hey hey hey! #mdnatour #madonna
TheAnhalt: Phelps, Morale Officer
TheAnhalt: #slapstick #pickitup #riotfest #circlepit
TheAnhalt: Living in the tree tops
TheAnhalt: My new apartment is flooded with light all day. And in the tree tops. I love it. #humboldtpark #greystone #vintage
TheAnhalt: Dapper dudes.
TheAnhalt: Visions in green. And white.
TheAnhalt: #Bridesmaid time!
TheAnhalt: Good morning.
TheAnhalt: Fiber optic fun time
TheAnhalt: Last time on Martha's patio & probably the last time enjoying my favorite summer beer cocktail.
TheAnhalt: First edition, bitches. 1946. Oh, the old books I thrift for fun. #packing is rediscovering treasures.
TheAnhalt: Good vibes up in here.
TheAnhalt: New #lipstick called "Snog." Teeheehee (a freebie from mom)
TheAnhalt: The first cat I ever lived with. Crazy ass Lil Mos Def. I'm gonna miss this mug so hard. #blackcat #dogpeoplewhoarenowcatpeopletoo
TheAnhalt: Caption Contest! Martin Sheen & Peter Fonda in #NakedCity, c. 1958.
TheAnhalt: Room with a view at Windy City Distribution's Expo
TheAnhalt: Sure, why not leave work & ride 14 miles north to my parents' house? Cherry St Beach, mile 12.
TheAnhalt: bottle service. where are the designer drugs?
TheAnhalt: couch hog