Jewish Women's Archive: Welcoming the month
Jewish Women's Archive: all our candles are lit!
Jewish Women's Archive: Introducing "Spiritual Kneading"
Jewish Women's Archive: Julia activating the yeast
Jewish Women's Archive: Rachie and Etta activating the yeast
Jewish Women's Archive: Smelling the yeast
Jewish Women's Archive: The yeast grows!
Jewish Women's Archive: Dani reads about the symbols of the challah
Jewish Women's Archive: Marisa reads about the symbols of the challah
Jewish Women's Archive: Alison reads about the symbols of the challah
Jewish Women's Archive: Preparing to mix the dough
Jewish Women's Archive: Julia and Alison mix the dough
Jewish Women's Archive: Aliza joins in the dough making
Jewish Women's Archive: More dough making
Jewish Women's Archive: Adding the last of the flour
Jewish Women's Archive: Still mixing!
Jewish Women's Archive: Marisa mixing the dough
Jewish Women's Archive: Mixing and singing
Jewish Women's Archive: Kneading and singing
Jewish Women's Archive: Etta gives pointers to Marisa on kneading
Jewish Women's Archive: Marisa, Etta, and Tali kneading
Jewish Women's Archive: Aliza and Rachie knead and the group sings
Jewish Women's Archive: Sharing a laugh
Jewish Women's Archive: Dani takes a hand at kneading
Jewish Women's Archive: Finished-finally!
Jewish Women's Archive: Etta explains the rising process
Jewish Women's Archive: Forming a loaf for the rise
Jewish Women's Archive: Covering the dough to rise