je218604: Jack Cantrell's ride
je218604: Shade, Ohio farm
je218604: Cantrell Hives
je218604: Beekeeper gear
je218604: Examining the Hive
je218604: bee larvae and mite
je218604: honeycomb pattern
je218604: Bees on Comb
je218604: Looking for the Queen bee
je218604: Helping a bee out
je218604: Jack explaining brood patterns
je218604: Trays of bees
je218604: Beekeepers in suits
je218604: Stinger on finger
je218604: Getting ready for honey extraction
je218604: Capings coming off
je218604: Melting of the caps
je218604: Honey on wax
je218604: In the honey house
je218604: Tasting the honey
je218604: Pouring the Honey
je218604: Jack Cantrell's Honey
je218604: Jack's hives
je218604: packaged wax ready to be melted
je218604: Beeswax for candles
je218604: Beeswax candles
je218604: ACABA T-shirt logo
je218604: ACABA May gathering
je218604: Bee on flower
je218604: Bee hive