Jetuma: Icetree
Jetuma: Skutberget livboj
Jetuma: Seagrass in winter
Jetuma: Grasstraw in the sun
Jetuma: Winterice
Jetuma: Sunset at Göteborgsudden
Jetuma: Sunset over lake Vänern
Jetuma: Bush by the lake
Jetuma: Structure of snow
Jetuma: Melting ice
Jetuma: Grasstraw in spring sun
Jetuma: Sunset in april - part 1
Jetuma: Sunset in april - part 2
Jetuma: Sunset in april - part 3
Jetuma: 18th century cottage
Jetuma: A glimt of a sunset
Jetuma: In to the mystic
Jetuma: Shadows by the tree
Jetuma: Spider in the web
Jetuma: Growing tree - Part 2
Jetuma: Growing tree - Part 1
Jetuma: Watersplash the first wave
Jetuma: Feeling strong, but very alone
Jetuma: Watersplash the second wave
Jetuma: Seagrass down on earth
Jetuma: Sunflower
Jetuma: Silhouette at dawn
Jetuma: Shining flower
Jetuma: Millhouse near the the river
Jetuma: Cottage by the pond