jettrocks: neighborhood hero, christy, has a wall ad for his show.
jettrocks: this made me a little bit misty.
jettrocks: facing east.
jettrocks: facing west.
jettrocks: i enjoy this tag.
jettrocks: i was just testing the lens but this may be a good "before."
jettrocks: clemente's crab shack.
jettrocks: eating on the water on a rainy evening.
jettrocks: clemente's clam shack.
jettrocks: lobster roll.
jettrocks: under the sea.
jettrocks: driving back home.
jettrocks: riding the subway over the ocean.
jettrocks: relax.
jettrocks: buckets.
jettrocks: these kids love digging.
jettrocks: morwenna and i went to the beach.
jettrocks: an offering.
jettrocks: jeff.
jettrocks: this dog knows where the food is.
jettrocks: water tower.
jettrocks: on my walk home.
jettrocks: magic hour is pretty.
jettrocks: magic hour on my home.