jettrocks: those twins from nickelodeon.
jettrocks: a little bit annoyed.
jettrocks: strike while you're hot.
jettrocks: bad date.
jettrocks: good date.
jettrocks: hmmmmm face.
jettrocks: waiting for the phone to ring.
jettrocks: doucheface.
jettrocks: wait...
jettrocks: WAIT.
jettrocks: gross.
jettrocks: sex eyes.
jettrocks: puff, puff, puff.
jettrocks: Pissed off.
jettrocks: Idiots.
jettrocks: Hints.
jettrocks: Hints.
jettrocks: Hints.
jettrocks: Ugly ass cake.
jettrocks: Unprofessional.
jettrocks: lying to be perfect.
jettrocks: oh yeah, she's got a cat.
jettrocks: oh my god, she's wearing a fatsuit!
jettrocks: lonely women trifecta is complete!
jettrocks: Her friend is actually cleaning her face here.
jettrocks: i love this one.
jettrocks: donut dust.
jettrocks: unhinged.
jettrocks: skinny.
jettrocks: Fatsuit, Nola and Beige