Blythes~in~the~Garden: Suzanne Sonata & Kaylee Strawberry
Blythes~in~the~Garden: All My Lovlies Tag
Blythes~in~the~Garden: Suzanne & Kaylee get photobombed
Blythes~in~the~Garden: Dottibys by Knight Melodies
Blythes~in~the~Garden: Packing up after the KM photo shoot
Blythes~in~the~Garden: Suzanne: This is my secret mushroom patch
Blythes~in~the~Garden: Wooden chair
Blythes~in~the~Garden: Suzanne: It's a good thing we have lots of moss in our garden, Mum has started to make terrainiums
Blythes~in~the~Garden: More moss but not enough for terrainiums
Blythes~in~the~Garden: Suzanne sittin' pretty while the cakes work :)
Blythes~in~the~Garden: These paints will make a nice little bed for a nap