jetschmidt: Dancin' with myse-elf.
jetschmidt: Fluron form clock workbench.
jetschmidt: Fluron form clock workbench.
jetschmidt: Pocket Watches.
jetschmidt: Tools in the clockwork bench.
jetschmidt: My grandfather's clockwork bench.
jetschmidt: MFD by CJ Schmidt.
jetschmidt: Synchrotimer.
jetschmidt: My grandfather
jetschmidt: Old Train Depot in Kent, OH.
jetschmidt: New Years
jetschmidt: Her Piano.
jetschmidt: Her Piano.
jetschmidt: Her Piano.
jetschmidt: Aunt Nancy
jetschmidt: Aunt Nancy
jetschmidt: Brody
jetschmidt: Brody
jetschmidt: Carol and Audrey
jetschmidt: Carol and Audrey
jetschmidt: Carol and Audrey
jetschmidt: Carol's bday.
jetschmidt: Carol's bday.
jetschmidt: Brody and Audrey.
jetschmidt: Momma.
jetschmidt: Audrey.
jetschmidt: Momma.
jetschmidt: Joyce, Brody, Erik. new years/ carol's bday.
jetschmidt: Mollie and her delightful husband, Casey.
jetschmidt: FUNERALS @ Circus, Columbus, OH.