jetplane: Ema and I
jetplane: goofy!
jetplane: Sherri's pics 223
jetplane: Sherri's pics 221
jetplane: Sherri's pics 217
jetplane: Sherri's pics 218
jetplane: Sherri's pics 214
jetplane: Sherri's pics 213
jetplane: Ska bar
jetplane: Kata beach
jetplane: Kata beach
jetplane: banana boats
jetplane: Ska bar
jetplane: banana boat
jetplane: Amazing tree
jetplane: Sherri's pics 199
jetplane: beach and sky...and a parachuter?
jetplane: Sherri's pics 195
jetplane: Sherri's pics 198
jetplane: lovely sea
jetplane: My Abba!
jetplane: Fireworks!
jetplane: Boom!
jetplane: View from resort hotel room
jetplane: View
jetplane: Coral beach
jetplane: Coral beach
jetplane: Bangkok Airport
jetplane: Sherri's pics 169
jetplane: Do not swimming