Jethro Stamps:
Jethro Stamps:
Mummified turtle head.
Jethro Stamps:
Frondy fronds.
Jethro Stamps:
Scott makes friends.
Jethro Stamps:
Not a vietnamese shrine.
Jethro Stamps:
Chaos in action..
Jethro Stamps:
Jethro Stamps:
Vicious looking shrine bird beast.
Jethro Stamps:
Tree offerings.
Jethro Stamps:
Smokey tree offerings.
Jethro Stamps:
Self-proclaimed best hairdresser in Vietnam. He liked my camera and ushered me into his shop to ogle his.
Jethro Stamps:
Hello! What do you want?
Jethro Stamps:
Jethro Stamps:
Jethro Stamps:
..and I'm spent.
Jethro Stamps:
Or Am I?
Jethro Stamps:
Buggered old pretty wall.
Jethro Stamps:
Jethro Stamps:
Man looking longingly at bird. In a temple.
Jethro Stamps:
Man wondering why he built such a small house.
Jethro Stamps:
Man and bull.
Jethro Stamps:
Oh, hello there.
Jethro Stamps:
Children practicing violence.
Jethro Stamps:
The first mistake.
Jethro Stamps:
Cunning headlamp lighting.
Jethro Stamps:
Jethro Stamps:
Act drunk!
Jethro Stamps:
Act dead drunk!
Jethro Stamps:
Act..wheres my whiskey?